Dansk, svensk, norsk, finsk och isländsk polis brottas med liknande utmaningar. Det var tydligt när Nordiska Polisförbundet utbytte erfarenheter i Helsingfors den 2 oktober. Tillsammans tog de fram ett gemensamt uttalande som vi återger här nedanför på engelska:


Statement Attract and Retain Police officers

The Nordic Police Federation (Nordiska Polisförbundet, NPF) is an association of police unions from Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Sweden. It was established in 1921 with the aim of promoting common Nordic interests in the field of policing.

One of the main tasks of the NPF is to advocate for police officers’ professional issues. This includes improving working conditions, work environment, and social rights for police officers.

Attracting and retaining police officers is the focal point of today’s Nordic meeting, leading to the following common statement.

Key Factors for Attracting and Retaining Police Officers:

Salary and Working Conditions

Salary is a crucial factor for staying in the profession in all Nordic countries. Improved working conditions, including working hours and work environment, are also important.

Leadership, Influence, and Mandate

The quality of leadership, the ability to have influence over one’s work, and having a clear mandate are central. Police officers want present and supportive leaders as well as clear career plans. Having a mandate means that officers feel empowered to make decisions and act without needing to ask for permission for everything.

Workload, Work Environment, and Moral Stress

High workload, a tough work environment, and moral stress, including feelings of inadequacy, are common reasons for police officers leaving the profession. Reducing the workload by hiring more police officers, improving the work environment, and addressing moral stress are crucial.

Suggestions / Policy Proposals

Improve Salaries and Working Conditions:

Increase salaries and career paths, improve working conditions to make the profession more attractive.

Strengthen Leadership and Provide Clear Mandate:

  • Develop leadership within the police force by giving leaders better conditions to be good leaders. This includes training and support for leaders as well as clear career paths for officers.
  • Providing officers with a clear mandate to make decisions and act independently is also important to increase their sense of autonomy and efficiency.

Reduce Workload:

Hire more police officers to share the workload and improve the work environment. Adress moral stress by fostering a supportive culture.

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